From DNA to Protein:
Gene Expression
key concepts
Employing the Genetic Code to Combat Superbugs
Staphylococcus aureus is among billions of bacteria that inhabit the human skin and nose, mostly with no ill effect. But sometimes, especially when the immune system has been weakened by age or disease, S. aureus can cause major skin infections and may enter the body through the nose or a wound site, causing serious and sometimes fatal infections of organs such as the heart and lungs.
Until recently, most S. aureus infections were successfully treated with penicillin and related drugs, including methicillin. These antibiotics bind and inactivate several related enzymes involved in the assembly of bacterial cell walls. New bacterial cells produced by cell division of antibiotic-
Unfortunately, some S. aureus strains have acquired mutant versions of a penicillin-
What makes the mutant version of mecA different, and how does this difference lead to antibiotic resistance? Compared to the wild-
The fundamental lesson conveyed by this example is that a gene is expressed as a protein, and more specifically, that the sequence of nucleotides in DNA is expressed as a sequence of amino acids in a protein. Understanding how the nucleotide sequence of a gene produces a specific protein came with the discovery of the genetic code, a landmark in biological research.
Mutant bacterial strains that are stubbornly resistant to antibiotics are known as “superbugs.” One greatly feared superbug is methicillin-
How does knowledge of the genetic code help us understand the actions of some antibiotics?