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Prokaryotic Genomes Are Compact

In 1968 Robert W. Holley, was awarded the Nobel Prize for the first sequencing of a nucleic acid—a tRNA with just 80 bases. It took Holley and his team 5 years to discover the sequence. A few years later the first genome was sequenced, that of a 5,386-bp bacteriophage. As methods gradually improved, the genome of a prokaryote was sequenced in the 1990s. With the new automated sequencing techniques we just described, we now have genome sequences for many prokaryotes, to the great benefit of microbiology and medicine.

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  • Prokaryotes have small, compact genomes.

  • Metagenomics allows biologists to sample genomic diversity without isolating intact organisms.

  • Transposable elements can move from place to place in the genome.