Phytoplankton are primary producers

A single protist clade, the diatoms, performs about one-fifth of all photosynthetic carbon fixation on Earth—about the same amount as all of Earth’s rainforests. These spectacular unicellular organisms (see Figure 26.8) are the predominant component of the oceanic phytoplankton, but the phytoplankton include many other protists that also contribute heavily to global photosynthesis. Like green plants on land, these “floating photosynthesizers” are the gateway for energy from the sun into the rest of the living world; in other words, they are primary producers. These autotrophs are eaten by heterotrophs, including animals and many other protists. Those consumers are, in turn, eaten by other consumers. Most aquatic heterotrophs (with the exception of some species in the deep sea) depend on photosynthesis performed by phytoplankton.