Microsporidia are unicellular parasitic fungi. They are among the smallest eukaryotes known, with infective spores that are only 1–
Microsporidia lack true mitochondria, although they have reduced structures, known as mitosomes, that are derived from mitochondria. Unlike mitochondria, however, mitosomes contain no DNA—
Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasites of animals, especially of insects, crustaceans, and fish. Some species are known to infect mammals, including humans. Most infections by microsporidia cause chronic disease in the host, with effects that include weight loss, reduced fertility, and a shortened life span. The host cell is penetrated by a polar tube that grows from the microsporidian spore. The function of the polar tube is to inject the contents of the spore, the sporoplasm, into the host (Figure 29.13). The sporoplasm then replicates within the host cell and produces new infective spores. The life cycle of some species is complex and involves multiple hosts, whereas other species infect a single host. In some insects, parasitic microsporidia are transmitted vertically (i.e., from parent to offspring). Reproduction is thought to be strictly asexual in some microsporidians, but includes poorly understood asexual and sexual cycles in other species.