Many stems and roots undergo secondary growth

As you have seen, the roots and stems of some eudicots develop a secondary plant body, the tissues of which include wood and bark. These tissues are derived by secondary growth from the two lateral meristems:

investigating life

Understanding the Synthesis and Transport of Cyanogenic Glycosides


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Original Paper: Jørgensen, K. et al. 2005. Cassava plants with a depleted cyanogenic glycoside content in leaves and tubers. Distribution of cyanogenic glycosides, their site of synthesis and transport and blockage of biosynthesis by RNA interference technology. Plant Physiology 139: 363–374.

As described in the chapter opening, cassava is the most important root crop in the world. Its use as food is challenging, because the plant produces molecules that can be transformed into toxic cyanide when the tissues are disrupted. These cyanogenic glycosides (CGs) are important in defending the plant against animals that eat it, including humans. For the millions of people who eat cassava, careful processing is needed to avoid poisoning. Unfortunately, the processing methods lower the overall nutritional value of the food. Understanding how CGs are made and end up in the fleshy root is an important step in possibly using genetics to produce a crop that does not make CGs. At the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University in Copenhagen, a team led by Birger Møller investigated the synthesis and transport of CGs in cassava plants.


work with the data



Cyanogenic glycosides in plant organs were measured in an intact stem of a cassava plant and in one in which the phloem had been cut below the fifth leaf. The results are shown in the graphs. What can you conclude about the source of CG?


CG appears to be highest in the upper leaves and shoot, where it is made. The lower leaves and stems contain less CG, indicating that CG is transported there on the way to other plant organs.


When a stem is girdled, it is cut carefully so that the epidermal, cortical, and outer vascular tissues (phloem) are removed. Using intact plants, the biologists girdled the stem of a cassava plant. After 2 days, they measured CG in various regions on the stem. The results for CG levels after girdling between the fifth and sixth nodes are shown in the table. What can you conclude about the source and transport of CG? Why was the level in the sixth leaf (below the girdle) so high?

Region CG level (μmol)
Fifth leaf 59
Stem above cut 15
Stem below cut 0.2
Sixth leaf 55

The fifth leaf accumulated CG, which was not transported down the plant vascular system because of girdling. There was some residual accumulation in the sixth leaf that had probably arrived before the girdling. The stem below the sixth leaf had very low CG, indicating the transport was blocked.

A similar work with the data exercise may be assigned in LaunchPad.

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In cold parts of the world, each year, deciduous trees lose their leaves and have bare branches and twigs over the winter (Figure 33.17). The apical meristems of the twigs are enclosed in buds protected by bud scales. When the buds begin to grow in spring, the scales fall away, leaving scars that show where the bud was. These scars allow us to identify the parts of the twig from each year’s growth. The dormant twig shown in Figure 33.17 is the product of both primary and secondary growth. The buds consist entirely of primary tissues.

Figure 33.17 A Woody Twig Has Both Primary and Secondary Growth The apical meristems in this dormant twig will produce primary growth in spring. Lateral meristems are responsible for secondary growth.

The vascular cambium is initially a single layer of cells lying between the primary xylem and the primary phloem within the vascular bundles. The root or stem increases in diameter when the cells of the vascular cambium divide, producing secondary xylem cells toward the inside of the root or stem and producing secondary phloem cells toward the outside. In the stem, cells in the pith rays between the vascular bundles also divide, forming a continuous cylinder of vascular cambium running the length of the stem. This cylinder, in turn, gives rise to complete cylinders of secondary xylem (the wood) and secondary phloem, which contributes to the bark. It also produces vascular rays for lateral transport, a structure not found in primary xylem and phloem. Therefore the vascular cambium produces vessel elements, tracheids, parenchyma cells, and supportive fibers in the secondary xylem; and sieve tube elements, companion cells, fibers, and parenchyma cells in the secondary phloem.

Animation 33.1 Secondary Growth: The Vascular Cambium

As secondary growth of stems or roots continues, the expanding vascular tissue stretches and breaks the epidermis and the outer layers of the cortex, which ultimately flake away. Before these dermal tissues are broken away, cells lying near the surface of the secondary phloem begin to divide, forming a cork cambium. This meristematic tissue produces layers of cork, a protective tissue composed of cells with thick walls waterproofed with suberin. The cork soon becomes the outermost tissue of the stem or root (see Figure 33.17). Without the activity of the cork cambium, the sloughing off of the outer primary tissues would expose the plant to potential damage, such as excessive water loss or invasion by microorganisms. Sometimes the cork cambium produces cells toward the inside as well as the outside; these cells constitute a tissue known as the phelloderm.

The cork cambium, cork, and phelloderm constitute the secondary dermal tissue called periderm. As the vascular cambium continues to produce secondary vascular tissue, these corky layers are lost, but the continuous formation of new cork cambia in the underlying secondary phloem gives rise to new corky layers. The periderm and the secondary phloem—that is, all the tissues external to the vascular cambium—constitute the bark.

When periderm forms on stems or roots, the underlying tissues still need to release carbon dioxide and take up oxygen for cellular respiration. Spongy regions in the periderm called lenticels can allow such gas exchange (Figure 33.18).

Figure 33.18 Lenticels Allow Gas Exchange through the Periderm The region of periderm that appears to be broken open is a lenticel in a year-old elderberry (Sambucus) twig; note the spongy tissue that constitutes the lenticel.

You may be curious about cork, which is used as stoppers in bottles of wine and in flasks in the chemistry lab. Cork is harvested from a tree, the cork oak (Quercus suber, see photo below), which is grown for that purpose mainly in Portugal. The tree lives more than 100 years, and cork is first harvested when the tree is 25 years old. The outer bark is removed first, carefully exposing the cork layers, which are then removed without damaging the living tissues. The cork cambium then produces more cork, so a tree can be harvested every 10 years.

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Cross sections of most tree trunks (stems) in temperate-zone forests show annual rings of wood (Figure 33.19), which result from seasonal environmental conditions. In spring, when water is relatively plentiful, the tracheids or vessel elements produced by the vascular cambium tend to be large in diameter and relatively thin-walled. Such wood is well adapted for transporting water and minerals. As water becomes less available during the summer, narrower cells with thicker walls are produced, making this summer wood darker and perhaps more dense than the wood formed in spring. Thus each growing season is usually recorded in a tree trunk by a clearly visible annual ring. Trees in the moist tropics do not undergo seasonal growth, so they do not lay down such obvious regular rings. Variations in temperature or water supply can lead to the formation of more than one ring in a single year, but most commonly a single annual ring is formed. Next time you are in the woods and see a fallen tree, try to count the annual rings to gauge the age of a tree.

Figure 33.19 Annual Rings Rings of secondary xylem are the most noticeable feature of this cross section from a tree trunk.

Only eudicots and other non-monocot angiosperms, along with many gymnosperms, have a vascular cambium and a cork cambium and thus undergo secondary growth. The few monocots that form thickened stems—palms, for example—do so without secondary growth. Palms have a very wide apical meristem that produces a wide stem, and dead leaf bases add to the diameter of the stem. All monocots grow in essentially this way, as do other angiosperms that lack secondary growth.