Gibberellins have many effects on plant growth and development
The functions of gibberellins can be inferred from the effects of experimentally decreasing gibberellins or blocking their action at various points in plant development. Such experiments reveal that gibberellins have multiple roles in regulating plant growth.
STEM ELONGATION The effects of gibberellins on wild-type plants are not as dramatic as those seen on dwarf plants. However, gibberellins are indeed active in wild-type plants, because inhibitors of gibberellin synthesis cause a reduction in stem elongation. Such inhibitors can be put to practical uses. For example, plants such as chrysanthemums that are grown in greenhouses tend to get tall, but leggy plants do not appeal to consumers. Flower growers spray such plants with gibberellin synthesis inhibitors to control their height. Some wheat crops are similarly sprayed to keep them short, so they do not fall over when they produce grain; the result is chemically produced semi-dwarfs similar to the genetically produced varieties described in the opening story of this chapter. In some plants, such as cabbage, the normal growth habit is to be a squat, leafy head near the ground. When environmental signals are right, however, the plant “bolts,” quickly producing a tall stem with flowers—a response that can be mediated by gibberellins.
FRUIT GROWTH Gibberellins and other hormones regulate the growth of fruits. Grapevines that produce seedless grapes develop smaller fruits than varieties that produce seed-bearing grapes. Biologists wanting to explain this phenomenon removed seeds from immature seeded grapes and found that this prevented normal fruit growth, suggesting that the seeds are sources of a growth regulator. Biochemical studies showed that developing seeds produce gibberellins, which diffuse into the immature fruit tissue. Spraying young seedless grapes with a gibberellin solution causes them to grow as large as seeded ones, and this is now a standard commercial practice (Figure 36.4).
Figure 36.4Gibberellins and Fruit Growth Spraying developing seedless grapes with gibberellins (right) increases their size compared with untreated fruit (left).
MOBILIZATION OF SEED RESERVES Early in seed germination, hydrolytic enzymes are produced to break down stored reserves of starch, proteins, and lipids. Just after imbibition in germinating seeds of barley and other cereals, the embryo secretes gibberellins. The hormones diffuse through the endosperm to a surrounding tissue called the aleurone layer, which lies underneath the seed coat. The gibberellins trigger a cascade of events in the aleurone layer, causing it to synthesize and secrete enzymes that hydrolyze proteins and starch stored in the endosperm (Figure 36.5). These observations have practical importance: in the beer brewing industry, gibberellins are used to enhance the “malting” (germination) of barley and the breakdown of its endosperm, producing sugar that is fermented to alcohol.
Figure 36.5Embryos Mobilize Their Reserves During seed germination in cereal grasses, gibberellins trigger a cascade of events that result in the conversion of starch and protein reserves into monomers that can be used by the developing embryo.
Q: In brewing beer, stored starch in barley seeds is converted to maltose. How do you think this is done in the brewery?
To stimulate the breakdown of starch, seeds are imbibed in water and mashed up.
Another hormone, abscisic acid (ABA) (see Table 36.2) plays an antagonistic role with gibberellins in seed dormancy and germination. As we will describe in Key Concept 37.1, ABA levels are high in dormant seeds and fall off during germination. Thus ABA plays a role in maintaining seed dormancy, whereas gibberellins function to break dormancy and promote germination.