Biological rhythms allow an animal to anticipate changes in its environment. In mammals, a circadian clock located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei generates a rhythm that is entrainable by environmental information. The navigational abilities of animals range from simple piloting by landmarks to distance–
learning outcomes
You should be able to:
Describe characteristics of circadian rhythms.
Explain the concept of a time-
Describe the different forms of animal communication and their advantages and disadvantages.
Evaluate the effectiveness of various forms of animal communication in specific circumstances.
What is a free-
A free-
Why is it important for honey bees to have a time-
The direction to the sun can be used to tell compass directions if you know the time of day. A time-
Which forms of communication are most efficient for inter-
The most efficient forms of inter-
When behaviors involve interactions between multiple individuals, we have to consider how natural selection operates on all of the interacting parties, whether they are sending signals or receiving them. This concern becomes particularly relevant in the case of social behaviors.