key concept
Positive Interactions Occur When at Least One Species Benefits and None Are Harmed
Positive interactions, or facilitations, are ubiquitous on Earth. Consider the simple fact that most vascular plants have beneficial pollinators, seed dispersers, and root-
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Positive interactions, including mutualisms and commensalisms, are ubiquitous on Earth and occur among all types of organisms.
Conditions in stressful environments can limit species; positive interactions can ameliorate stressful conditions for affected species.
Positive interactions have important effects on both population growth and community structure.
As mentioned in Key Concept 55.1, there are two types of positive interactions: mutualisms, in which both species benefit from the interaction, and commensalisms, in which one species benefits and the other is unaffected. Some positive interactions are symbiotic. In addition, some interactions can be obligate (necessary) while others are facultative (optional).
Table 55.1 lists mutualistic interactions that range from highly specialized obligate symbioses to highly generalized facultative nonsymbioses. Mutualistic interactions allow organisms to access limiting resources and often involve an exchange of food for housing or defense. Plants and their mycorrhizal fungi (see Key Concept 29.2 and Figure 29.9), corals and their photosynthetic endosymbionts (see Key Concept 26.4), and lichens formed from fungi and photosynthetic algae (see Key Concept 29.2 and Figure 29.9) all provide examples of obligate and/or facultative mutualistic interactions in which food is exchanged for housing and nutrients.
Interaction | Obligate symbiosis | Facultative symbiosis | Obligate nonsymbiosis | Facultative nonsymbiosis |
Plants– |
× | × | × | × |
Corals– |
× | × | ||
Lichens (algae– |
× | |||
Plants– |
× | × | ||
Plants– |
× | × |
Some common mutualisms occur between sessile organisms—
Plants not only need to attract pollinators, but must also ensure that those pollinators carry their pollen to other members of the same species. Repeat visits by a pollinator to different individuals of a particular plant species increase the likelihood that the pollen will end up on the appropriate stigma; thus some plants have adaptations to encourage repeat visits by a given animal, while discouraging others. The nectar of tobacco flowers, for example, contains trace amounts of nicotine, an insecticidal neurotoxin. Many flower visitors, including hummingbirds, can ingest only tiny amounts of nicotine-
Many animals that eat fruits (called frugivores) provide a valuable service to the plants that produce those fruits by dispersing seeds. Seed dispersal by animals not only offers plants the advantages of delivery to potential germination sites away from the parent plant (described in Key Concept 37.1), but comes with the bonus of organic fertilizer for the seeds. Interactions between plants and frugivores, however, are not always reciprocal; in many cases, one party benefits more than the other. Whereas the frugivore is paid “in advance” for its transportation services, the seeds may never reach an appropriate destination for germination (your windshield, for example, will not do). From the plant’s perspective, its partnership with frugivores requires a delicate balance between discouraging them from eating fruits before the seeds are capable of germinating and attracting them when the seeds are ready. In addition, the plant must protect the seeds from destruction in the frugivore’s digestive tract and defend them against inappropriate consumers that would damage the seeds or fail to disperse them at all.