Life is ACTIVE

We have developed a series of learning tools under the guidance of an Advisory Board of 19 experts in science education and pedagogy. These features are woven into the chapters so seamlessly that active learning is the natural result. All of these features are aligned to the new Learning Outcomes, giving students a clear expectation of what they need to learn.

Focus Your Learning

Each chapter is now organized around Key Concepts. Focus Your Learning statements zero in on the essential ideas in each Key Concept. These statements guide students in their reading and prepare them for the upcoming Recaps and Apply What You’ve Learned exercise.


Recaps with Learning Outcomes

Recaps summarize each section and include related Learning Outcomes and thought-provoking questions (with answers in the back of the book). Learning Outcomes are aligned with the section's Focus Your Learning statements, and they tell students how to show that they've mastered the material. The questions that follow are aligned with and reinforce the Learning Outcomes. This alignment helps students self-assess whether they should review the section or continue reading.

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Forty interactive simulations put the controls in students’ hands and give them the opportunity to learn by doing. Topics include:

Life, Eleventh Edition features a significantly increased number of simulations compared to the previous edition.

Please log in to LaunchPad to review the entire library of simulations.


Apply What You’ve Learned

Chapters conclude with an exercise that challenges students to put their newly acquired knowledge into action. The exercise presents a summary of research that is relevant to the chapter material followed by questions that, like Recap questions, align to the relevant Focus Your Learning statements, which are listed at the start of the exercise. Answers are in the back of the book.

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Encouraging students to be active when they work with the book on their own is just the beginning. We are committed to active learning in any setting, including in the classroom, for any teacher who wants to try it. Perhaps the most powerful new tools for instructors in this edition are the Active Learning Guide and accompanying set of Active Learning Modules and Exercises.



Active Learning Modules

The new Active Learning Modules provide everything an instructor needs to successfully implement an active approach to teaching key topics. Each module includes many resources, including:

These modules are easy to implement and are a great way to add more active learning to the classroom.



“A lot of books try to sell their active learning focus, but this one actually follows through in a meaningful way.”

— Carly Jordan, George Washington University

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The Active Learning Guide provides extensive resources and support for implementing active learning techniques in the classroom. This all-new guide provides instructors with a thorough introduction to the concepts, techniques, and benefits of active learning, along with chapter-by-chapter guidance on teaching using the many active learning resources we provide for Life, Eleventh Edition.


Part 1: Introduction to Active Learning

Part 2: Chapter-by-Chapter Guidance

Each Active Learning Guide chapter contains:

Part 3: Appendices

“This textbook works well with any teaching style. ... It is a great tool to help instructors transform their classroom into an active learning environment.”

— Robert Osuna, University at Albany, State University of New York

“The active learning modules included with this text take the ‘fear factor’ out of active learning.

— Candice Damiani, University of Pittsburgh