generation",q:"F2",fb0:"F2 is shorthand for second filial generation.",fb1:"That is not the best term for this description.",c:0};
termdef[3]={t:"White flowers",q:"Trait",fb0:"A trait is a specific form of a character, as white flowers are a specific form of flower coloration.",fb1:"That is not the best term for this description.",c:0};
termdef[4]={t:"Gene location",q:"Locus",fb0:"A locus is a specific location on a chromosome, usually determined through gene mapping. The distance between two loci on a chromosome is measured in centimorgans (cM).",fb1:"That is not the best term for this description.",c:0};
termdef[5]={t:"Labrador retriever
coat color",q:"Epistasis",fb0:"Labrador retriever coat color is determined by the epistatic interaction of two different genes. One gene determines if hair pigment production will occur; the other gene determines how the pigment will be distributed in the hair. Interaction of the two genes ultimately determines coat color.",fb1:"That is not the best term for this description.",c:0};
termdef[6]={t:"RrYy",q:"Dihybrid",fb0:"A dihybrid is heterozygous for two different genes, such as a pea plant with spherical yellow seeds and the genotype RrYy.",fb1:"That is not the best term for this description.",c:0};
termdef[7]={t:"Eggplant fruit color",q:"Incomplete Dominance",fb0:"The purple, pink, or white flower color of the eggplant is determined by a gene with two alleles showing incomplete dominance.",fb1:"That is not the best term for this description.",c:0};
termdef[8]={t:"Rabbit coat color",q:"Multiple Alleles",fb0:"Rabbit coat color is determined by a single gene with four different alleles. Any given rabbit has only two alleles for coat color.",fb1:"That is not the best term for this description.",c:0};
termdef[9]={t:"Single allele",q:"Hemizygous",fb0:"In fruit flies and mammals, the X chromosome carries many genes, but the Y chromosome has only a few. Males have only one allele (are hemizygous) for X-linked genes, so recessive sex-linked mutations are expressed phenotypically more often in males than in females.",fb1:"That is not the best term for this description.",c:0};
termdef[10]={t:"BRCA1 allele",q:"Expressivity",fb0:"Expressivity is a measure of the influence of the environment on the expression of the genotype. For example, a woman with the BRCA1 allele may develop both breast and ovarian cancer as part of the phenotype, but another woman with the same mutation may only get breast cancer. So the mutation is said to have variable expressivity.",fb1:"That is not the best term for this description.",c:0};
termdef[11]={t:"Drosophila melanogaster",q:"T. H. Morgan",fb0:"T. H. Morgan is most famous for his studies of transmission genetics in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster.",fb1:"That is not the best term for this description.",c:0};
termdef[12]={t:"Loci on a
chromosome",q:"Linkage group",fb0:"The full set of loci on a given chromosome constitutes the linkage group of that chromosome.",fb1:"That is not the best term for this description.",c:0};
termdef[13]={t:"1% recombinants
or 1.0 cM",q:"Map unit",fb0:"A map unit, or centimorgan (cM), is the distance on a chromosome that results in 1% recombinant progeny.",fb1:"That is not the best term for this description.",c:0};
termdef[14]={t:"Pedigree",q:"Inheritance pattern",fb0:"Probability calculations and pedigrees help geneticists trace Mendelian inheritance patterns.",fb1:"That is not the best term for this description.",c:0};
termdef[15]={t:"Red-green color
blindness",q:"sex-linked trait",fb0:"The gene for red-green color blindness in humans is on the X chromosome, so it shows sex-linked inheritance.",fb1:"That is not the best term for this description.",c:0};
var cm1203 = new cm('cm1203', 700, 400, termdef);
cm1203.msgtxt = "For each description, click on the appropriate term. After answering correctly, you may move forward by clicking the Next button. Feedback for each choice will appear below.";
cm1203.activityCompleted = function () {
if (typeof window.parent.player != 'undefined') { window.parent.player.activity.set_activity_completed(); }
function doInit() {
cm1203.settitle("Concept Matching: Inheritance, Genes, and Chromosomes");
Textbook Reference: Chapter Summary, p. 265