fb0:"As is true in parasitism, the fungus benefits, but the human is harmed.",
fb1:"That is not the best term available. Note that the fungus benefits, but the human is harmed."};
termdef[1]={q:"The photograph shows a herd of zebras at a waterhole. Very little vegetation is seen around a waterhole, despite the abundant water, due to trampling by the visiting animals. Select below the term best describing this ecological interaction.
fb0:"As is true in amensalism, the zebras are not affected positively or negatively, but the plants are harmed.",
fb1:"That is not the best term available. Note that the zebras are not affected positively or negatively, but the plants are harmed."};
termdef[2]={q:"The photograph shows the sparse vegetation in the Sonorian desert, due to limited water. Select below the term best describing this ecological interaction.",
fb0:"As is true in competition, plant species are harmed by the presence of other plants if a limited water supply exists.",
fb1:"That is not the best term available. Note that the plant species are harmed by the presence of other plants if a limited water supply exists."};
termdef[3]={q:"The photograph shows a bumblebee pollinating the plant Echinacea purpurea. Select the term best describing this ecological interaction.",
fb0:"As is true in mutualism, both plant and bumblebee benefit from the interaction.",
fb1:"That is not the best term available. Note that the both plant and bumblebee benefit from the interaction."};
termdef[4]={q:"The photograph shows a giraffe browsing on an Acacia tree. Select the term best describing this ecological interaction.",
fb0:"As is true in predation, the giraffe benefits from access to a food source, but the Acacia tree is harmed by being eaten.",
fb1:"That is not the best term available. Note that the giraffe benefits from access to a food source, but the Acacia tree is harmed by being eaten."};
termdef[5]={q:"The photograph shows a fruticose lichen, a composite organism formed from an alga and a fungus. Select the term best describing this ecological interaction.",
fb0:"As is true in mutualism, both alga and fungus benefit from the interaction.",
fb1:"That is not the best term available. Note that the both alga and fungus benefit from the interaction."};
termdef[6]={q:"The photograph shows the nonphotosynthetic plant called squawroot, Conopholis americana. It lives in association with the roots of other plants from which it obtains nutrients. Select the term best describing this ecological interaction.",
fb0:"As is true in parasitism, the squawroot benefits, but the other plant is harmed.",
fb1:"That is not the best term available. Note that the squawroot benefits, but the other plant is harmed."};
termdef[7]={q:"The photograph shows a grazing African buffalo and cattle egrets that are preying on insects stirred up by the buffalo. Select the term best describing this ecological interaction.",
fb0:"As is true in commensalism, the cattle egrets benefit from enhanced access to food, but the African buffalo is unaffected.",
fb1:"That is not the best term available. Note that the cattle egrets benefits, but the buffalo is unaffected."};
var cm5501 = new cm('cm5501', 700, 500, termdef);
cm5501.msgtxt = "Match each description and photo with the most directly associated term. After answering correctly, you may move forward by clicking the Next button. Feedback for each choice will appear below.";
cm5501.activityCompleted = function () {
if (typeof window.parent.player != 'undefined') { window.parent.player.activity.set_activity_completed(); }
function doInit() {
cm5501.settitle("Ecological Interactions");
Textbook Reference: Key Concept 55.1 Species Interactions Vary in Direction and Strength across a Continuum, p. 1188