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Experiment 2: Parabiotic Surgery

  1. Drag two mice to the table to create a parabiotic pair.
  2. Perform the surgery and collect the data.
  3. Examine the effects of each possible pairing.
Wild-type Ob-type Db-type
WT ob/ob db/db
Wild-type mice make leptin and its receptors. ob/ob mice do not produce leptin. db/db mice do not produce the leptin receptor.

Question: What happens to each mouse
after the parabiotic surgeries?

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Answer: Parabiotic ob/ob mice obtain leptin from the WT partner and lose fat. Parabiotic db/db mice remain obese because they have no receptor for the leptin that their partner gives to them. The ob/ob mouse of the parabiotic ob/ob db/db mice receives leptin from the db/db mouse and loses fat.

Effect of Parabiotic Surgery
Surgery Graph WT mouse Ob mouse
WT-Ob Parabiotic Surgery Effects
WT-Ob Parabiotic Surgery Effects
Surgery Graph WT mouse Db mouse
WT-Db Parabiotic Surgery Effects
WT-Db Parabiotic Surgery Effects
Surgery Graph Ob mouse Db mouse
Ob-Db Parabiotic Surgery Effects
Ob-Db Parabiotic Surgery Effects