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The following simulation demonstrates how changing different homing cues affects a pigeon's homing ability.


  1. Select a homing cue modification below.
  2. Drag the bird to the big island and click "Release Pigeon" to see how the pigeon homes. Repeat, moving the bird to different locations.
  3. Once you are familiar with how the simulation works, follow the instructions in the question area below, starting with Question 1.

Adjust Circadian Rhythm
Adjust Circadian Rhythm

Drag the yellow "LIGHT" bar to shift the pigeon's
circadian rhythm.

See what factors influence a pigeon's ability to home. Click on Question 1 to begin.

Move the pigeon around to different starting locations. Is the pigeon able to find home? How is the pigeon's path affected if you select "Alter Landmarks?" Why do you think that is?

Compare the effects of the frosted contact lenses with the darkened lenses. What do you think could account for the difference?

Run several trials with the pigeon's circadian rhythm adjusted by different amounts. How is the pigeon's path affected?

Show Answer
A homing pigeon can successfully find its way home even if you release it in unfamiliar surroundings. Visual cues are important to help them navigate, but if familiar visual cues are not available, they can still find their way home using redundant mechanisms like the sun as a solar compass.
Pigeons equipped with frosted contact lenses can still find their home without seeing visual cues. Pigeons equipped with darkened contact lenses are not able to find their way home, indicating that the sun plays an important role in homing.
Entraining a pigeon to a new light-dark cycle will shift their perceived orientation of where home is. There is about a 15 degree shift in orientation for every hour that a bird's circadian rhythm is shifted.