Bach, Brandenburg Concerto No. 5, first movement

Ritornello form. 9 min., 44 sec.

0:00 Ritornello (a, b, and c) Complete ritornello is played by the orchestra, forte: bright and emphatic. image
0:20 Solo Harpsichord, flute, and violin in a contrapuntal texture. Includes faster rhythms; the soloists play new themes and also play some of the motives from the ritornello.
0:44 Ritornello (a only) Orchestra, f image
0:49 Solo Similar material to that of the first solo
1:09 Ritornello (b) Orchestra, f
1:15 Solo Similar solo material
1:36 Ritornello (b) Orchestra, f; minor mode
1:41 Solo Similar solo material at first, then fast harpsichord runs are introduced.
2:23 Ritornello (b) Orchestra, f
2:29 Solo This solo leads directly into the central solo.
2:54 Central solo Quiet flute and violin dialogue (accompanied by the orchestra, p) is largely in the minor mode. The music is less motivic, and the harmonies change less rapidly than before. image
3:19 Detached notes in cello, flute, and violin; sequence
3:52 Long high notes prepare for the return of the ritornello.
4:06 Ritornello (a) Orchestra, f
4:10 Solo
4:54 Ritornello (a and b) Orchestra, f; this ritornello section feels especially solidbecause it is longer than the others and in the tonic key.
5:05 Solo
5:34 Ritornello (b) Orchestra, f
5:40 Solo Fast harpsichord run leads into the cadenza.
6:18 Harpsichord cadenza Section 1: a lengthy passage developing motives from thesolo sections
8:05 Section 2: very fast and brilliant
8:30 Section 3: long preparation for the anticipated return of the ritornello
9:14 Ritornello (a, b, and c) Orchestra, f, plays the complete ritornello.