Mozart, Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, first movement (Molto allegro)

Sonata form. 8 min., 14 sec.

0:01 Theme 1 (main theme) Theme 1, p, minor key (G minor); repeated cadences f image
0:25 Theme 1 repeats and begins the modulation to a new key.
0:34 Bridge Bridge theme, f, confirms the modulation. image
image Abrupt stop
Second Group
0:53 Theme 2 Theme 2, p, in major key; phrases divided between wood-winds and strings image
1:04 Theme 2 again, division of phrases is reversed.
1:22 Other, shorter ideas, f, and p: echoes of theme 1 motive
1:48 Cadence theme Cadence theme, f, downward scales followed by repeated cadences image
image Abrupt stop
2:04 Exposition repeated
4:10 Theme 1 developed Theme 1, p, modulating
4:26 Contrapuntal passage Sudden f: contrapuntal treatment by the full orchestra of theme 1
4:54 Fragmentation Sudden p: beginning of theme 1 echoes between strings and woodwinds; theme fragmented from image to image and finally to image
5:11 Retransition f (full orchestra), p (woodwinds), which leads into the recapitulation
5:26 Theme 1 Theme 1, p, G minor, as before
5:50 Theme 1, modulating differently than before
5:59 Bridge Bridge, f, longer than before
image Abrupt stop
Second Group
6:41 Theme 2 Theme 2, p, this time in the minor mode (G minor)
All the other second-group themes are in the tonic key (minor mode); otherwise much the same as before.
7:42 Cadence theme Scale part of the cadence theme, f
7:54 New imitative passage, p, strings; based on theme 1 motive image
8:04 Repeated cadences, f Stop, this time confirmed by three solid chords