Berlioz, Fantastic Symphony, fifth movement

9 min., 59 sec.

0:00 Mysterious orchestral effects image
0:27 Fanfare Like a distant summons: trombones, then flutes plus piccolo echoed by muted French horns
0:57 Free repetitions: mysterious sounds, fanfare
1:39 Prefatory statement: two phrases (only) of the idée fixe; note the bass drum. Riotous orchestral response, ff.
1:59 Idée fixe Entire tune presented in a grotesque transformation, in 6/8 meter, played by “squeaky” E-flat clarinets image
2:29 Crescendo Big climax — the first of many
2:50 Upward motive A short, expectant motive (later this motive initiates the fugue subject of the “Round Dance”)
2:53 Transition Quiet descending passage
3:11 Funeral bells Three sets of three bells (the third set is muted); the upward motive also appears.
3:38 Segment 1 Segment 1 of plainchant Dies irae is played in three versions: image
(1) tubas and bassoons — slow
3:58 (2) horns and trombones — faster
4:08 (3) woodwinds and pizzicato strings — faster still (the rhythm here recalls that of the idée fixe)
4:14 Segment 2 Segment 2 of the plainchant, same three versions
4:37 Segment 3 Segment 3 (begins like segment 1), same three versions
5:11 Transition The upward motive is developed; crescendo.
WITCHES’ ROUND DANCE (free fugue) image
5:28 Exposition Four entries of the fugue subject
5:55 Episode 1
6:15 Subject entries Three more entries, in stretto
6:30 Episode 2 A passage starting with a loud rhythmic motive, derived from the subject, comes four times. image
6:52 The music dies down.
7:10 Fragments of the Dies irae
7:26 Long transition; crescendo over a drum roll
8:06 Subject entry The original subject returns.
8:12 Subject plus Dies irae The two themes together in a polyphonic combination. This isa climax; trumpets play the Dies irae for the first time.
8:44 Subject entry Final appearance of subject: over strings col legno (played with the wood, that is, the back of the bow). Some notes are lengthened.
9:19 Dies irae Segment 1 of the Dies irae hastily recollected; big drum strokes
9:28 Conclusion Final passage of cadences: very loud