Listening Chart 17 Brahms, Violin Concerto in D, third movement

Brahms, Violin Concerto in D, third movement

Rondo. 7 min., 43 sec.

0:00 A (Tune) The entire tune is presented. image
0:00 a Solo violin, with double stops
0:11 a Orchestra
0:22 b Solo violin
0:35 a′ Orchestra
0:46 The solo violin begins the cadences ending the tune, which lead into a transition.
1:04 Fast scales prepare for B. image
1:14 B (Episode 1) Melody (emphatic upward scale) in the violin, with double stops; inverted scale below it, in the orchestra
1:34 Melody in the orchestra, with inverted scale above it
1:49 Cadential passage (orchestra), f
2:00 A′
2:00 a Solo
2:11 a″ Orchestra
2:20 Transition (orchestra and solo), p image
2:38 C (Episode 2) Lyrical tune (solo and orchestra), p
3:11 Expressive climactic section, solo
3:22 Orchestra interrupts, f.
3:27 Scales prepare for B.
3:35 B
4:22 A′′ Starts with b′ (solo)
4:43 a′′′ In orchestra, extended; the real feeling of “return” comes only at this point.
5:08 Short cadenza Solo, double stops again; orchestra soon enters.
5:25 Solo trills and scales; motive image
5:54 Passage of preparation: motive image in low French horns
6:09 Short cadenza
6:20 Coda Mostly in 6/8 time. Starts with a marchlike transformation of phrase a (solo), over a drumbeat. image
6:44 References to B
7:16 Final-sounding cadences
7:29 The music dies down and ends with three loud chords.
From Brahms’s score of his Violin Concerto.