Mahler, Symphony No. 1, third movement, Funeral March

10 min., 20 sec.

SECTION 1 image
0:00 Funeral March Drumbeat, then four main entries of the round “Frère Jacques” (minor mode), which is the march theme
0:07 Entry 1: Double bass, muted
0:28 Entry 2: Bassoon (a subsidiary entry follows: cellos)
0:48 Entry 3: Tuba image
1:02 (“Additional” fragment: oboe)
1:15 Entry 4: Flute in low register
1:35 (“Additional” fragment). The march gradually dies away; the drumbeat finally stops.
SECTION 2 image
2:09 Dance-Band Phrases a Oboes, p, repeated (trumpets in counterpoint); pizzicato string beat
2:39 b Faster, mf; high (E-flat) clarinets, bass drum, and cymbals
2:53 a Strings, with varied repeat (trumpets in counterpoint) image
3:24 b′ With new continuation
3:42 Conclusion Descending cadential passage, a little slower, based on a
4:12 Return to Funeral-March Motives The funeral-march drumbeat, which entered during the previous passage, continues in the background. The march dies away; the drumbeat almost stops.
4:53 Trio (Song) The rhythm gradually picks up: a gentle triplet accompaniment with a throbbing background.
5:09 A songlike melody starts in muted strings, then moves to the flute, two solo violins, clarinet, and oboe. image
6:25 The trio dies away (violins).
6:43 Gong strokes
6:50 Flutes play two new phrases, as though waiting.
7:02 March Drumbeat, faster, in a new key: march (“Frère Jacques”)
7:18 (“Additional” fragment: E-flat clarinet, strings, flute) image
7:36 March theme with new, parodistic counterpoint: trumpets
8:00 Dance-band phrase b: clarinets, cymbals, drums
8:17 March theme with new trumpet counterpoint; new sudden speedup: clarinets, ff
8:37 Conclusion Descending cadential passage, based on a, with drumbeat as in section 2; slower
9:38 (“Additional” fragment, in low range: bassoon)
9:53 The music dies down; gong strokes.