Debussy, Clouds, from Three Nocturnes

7 min., 3 sec.

0:00 A a Cloud theme: clarinets and bassoons image
0:15 English-horn motive
0:20 Quiet timpani roll — music almost stops.
0:34 Cloud theme: high strings image
0:47 Downward parallel chord passage
1:02 Further development: strings
1:21 English-horn motive, with a new echo in the French horn
1:49 Downward chord passage
2:10 b Rising section, more restless: woodwinds added
2:41 Brief climax
2:48 English-horn motive (with new even-note rhythm accompaniment) is repeated several times, until it dies away.
3:38 a Cloud theme, with new solo viola counterpoint
3:54 Downward chord passage image
4:12 B A new tune enters tentatively, but then repeats itself; flute and harp.
4:40 Tune in strings and solo violin
4:56 Tune in flute and harp
(A) Not a real “return” of A, only of selected elements standing in for A
5:19 English-horn motive, with its echo
5:51 Quiet timpani and low strings — prominent until the end
Recollection of thematic fragments:
6:14 Cloud theme: bassoons, then cellos
6:32 B tune fragment
6:40 French-horn echo to the English-horn motive