Andrew Marvell
To His Coy Mistress (Literature To Go, p. 382)
Listen to “To His Coy Mistress,” as read by Paul Muldoon.
From The Classic Hundred Poems, © 1997 Columbia University Press, (P) HighBridge Co., Used by arrangement with HighBridge Company,
Considerations for Critical Thinking and Writing
first response. Do you think this carpe diem poem is hopelessly dated, or does it speak to our contemporary concerns?
This poem is divided into a three-part argument. Briefly summarize each section: if (lines 1–20), but (21–32), therefore (33–46).
What is the speaker’s tone in lines 1–20? How much time would he spend adoring his mistress? Is he sincere? How does he expect his mistress to respond to these lines?
How does the speaker’s tone change beginning with line 21? What is his view of time in lines 21–32? What does this description do to the lush and leisurely sense of time in lines 1–20? How do you think his mistress would react to lines 21–32?
In the final lines of Herrick’s “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” (Literature To Go, p. 381), the speaker urges the virgins to “go marry.” What does Marvell’s speaker urge in lines 33–46? How is the pace of these lines (notice the verbs) different from that of the first twenty lines of the poem?
This poem is sometimes read as a vigorous but simple celebration of flesh. Is there more to the theme than that?