William Shakespeare
A Scene from Othello (Literature To Go, p. 703)
Listen to a scene from Othello, the Moor of Venice, as performed by the Chicago Shakespeare Theater. After reading the play in your book, answer the questions below.
From Shakespeare's Greatest Hits. Recorded by L.A. Theatre Works (www.latw.org). Used by permission.
Considerations for Critical Thinking and Writing
first response. Characterize Othello. In what ways is he presented as having a jealous disposition as well as a noble one? Why is he so vulnerable to Iago’s villainy?
Explain how Iago presents himself to the world. What is beneath the surface of his public identity? Why does he hate Othello so passionately? What makes Iago so effective at manipulating people? What do other characters, besides Othello, think of him?
Explain why you think Othello’s racial background does or doesn’t affect events in the play.
How does Othello change during the course of the play? Do you feel the same about him from beginning to end? Trace your response to his character as it develops, paying particular attention to Othello’s final speech.
Consider how women—Desdemona, Emilia, and Bianca—are presented in the play. What characteristics do they have in common? How do they relate to the men in their lives?
Despite its grinding emotional impact and bleak ending, Othello does have its humorous moments. Locate a scene that includes humor and describe its tone and function in the play.
connection to another selection. Here’s a long reach but a potentially interesting one: Write an essay that considers Desdemona as a wife alongside Nora in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House (Literature To Go, p. 796). How responsible are they to themselves and to others? Can they be discussed in the same breath, or are they from such different worlds that nothing useful can be said about comparing them? Either way, explain your response.