Featured LAB
To determine which snack food, cheese puffs or toasted corn snacks, transfers the most heat in a combustion reaction.
cheese puffs, toasted corn snacks
ring stand with ring and clamp
Bunsen burner
wire mesh, paper clips, safety pins, corks, modeling clay, rubber bands, tape
Safety goggles must be worn at all times. Be sure to know the location of the fire blanket and fire extinguisher.
150 mL beaker
empty tuna fish can, empty soft drink cans with tabs, aluminum foil
Design an experiment using any of the materials above to determine which snack food will transfer more energy when burned. You must provide measurements and calculations to support your conclusion.
Write a detailed materials list of what you will use and a step-by-step procedure. You must get teacher approval before beginning your test.
When your teacher approves your procedure, conduct your experiment and record your observations and data.
List all the types of data your team collected.
How did you decide what data were important for your experiment?
Why do you need to know the mass of the snack food burned?
Making Sense Which snack food supplies more energy to your body, cheese puffs or toasted corn snacks? What evidence do you have to support your answer?
If You Finish Early Repeat the experiment to determine whether the volume of water or the mass of fuel used makes a difference in the outcome.