Project: Sense of Smell Study

Sense of Smell Study


Plan and conduct an experiment to compare how the sense of smell differs among different groups of people.

  • Create a goal statement. Write a sentence or two stating the goal of your study. What do you hope to discover or explore?

  • Choose subjects to study. Pick two categories of people to study and compare. These categories should be clear and easy to determine (for example, children under the age of 12 versus adults, vegetarians versus meat-eaters, women versus men).

  • Write a proposal. Write several sentences stating how you propose to accomplish your goal, including how you will conduct your study, how you will randomly choose your sample of participants, and how you will set up the control variables. Clear your proposal with your teacher before conducting your study.

  • Conduct your study. Keep your data organized in a table or chart. Keep careful notes of everything that you do and what you observe.

  • Write up your results and conclusions. Write up the results of your study and any conclusions you have come to based on your collected data. Include your data table. If possible, create a graph using your data.