Unit Introduction

Unit 1 | Alchemy
Emperor Rudolf II (1552–1612) governed the Holy Roman Empire from 1576 to 1608. However, he often neglected his duties as ruler and is better known as an alchemist and patron of the arts.
The Granger Collection, NYC—All rights reserved.

In this unit, you will learn

  • what matter is composed of

  • to use the language of chemistry

  • to decode information contained in the periodic table

  • how new substances with new properties are made

  • what holds substances together

Dirk Wiersma/Science Source

Why Alchemy?

Chemistry has some of its roots in the ancient practice of alchemy. The alchemists experimented with trying to make gold out of ordinary substances. In the process, they learned a great deal about matter and about chemistry. When you understand the nature of matter and its composition, you will be able to answer the question, “Is it possible to turn ordinary substances into gold?”