EXPERIMENTAL FIGURE 21-34 Mutations in the ced-3 gene block programmed cell death in C. elegans. (a) Newly hatched mutant larva carrying a mutation in the ced-1 gene. Because mutations in this gene prevent engulfment of dead cells, highly refractile (and thus easily visualized) dead cells accumulate (arrows). (b) Newly hatched larva with mutations in both the ced-1 and ced-3 genes. The absence of refractile dead cells in these double mutants indicates that no cell deaths occurred. Thus the CED-3 protein is required for programmed cell death.
[Republished with permission of Elsevier, from Ellis, H. M. and Horvitz, H. R., “Genetic control of programmed cell death in the nematode C. elegans,” Cell, 1986, 44(6):817–829; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.]