In updating, revising, and rewriting this book, we were given invaluable help by many colleagues. We thank the following people who generously gave of their time and expertise by making contributions to specific chapters in their areas of interest, providing us with detailed information about their courses, or by reading and commenting on one or more chapters:

David Agard, University of California, San Francisco, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Ann Aguanno, Marymount Manhattan College

Stephen Amato, Northeastern University

Shivanthi Anandan, Drexel University

Kenneth Balazovich, University of Michigan

Amit Banerjee, Wayne State University

Lisa Banner, California State University, Northridge

Benjamin Barad, University of California, San Francisco

Kenneth Belanger, Colgate University

Andrew Bendall, University of Guelph

Eric Betzig, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Subhrajit Bhattacharya, Auburn University

Ashok Bidwai, West Virginia University

David Bilder, University of California, Berkeley

Elizabeth Blinstrup-Good, University of Illinois

Jenna Bloemer, Auburn University

Jonathan Bogan, Yale University School of Medicine

Indrani Bose, Western Carolina University

Laurie Boyer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

James Bradley, Auburn University

Eric Brenner, New York University

Mirjana Brockett, Georgia Institute of Technology

Manal Buabeid, Auburn University

Heike Bucking, South Dakota State University

Tim Burnett, Emporia State University

Samantha Butler, University of California, Los Angeles

W. Malcolm Byrnes, Howard University College of Medicine

Monique Cadrin, University of Quebec Trois-Rivières

Martin Cann, Durham University

Steven A. Carr, Broad Institute of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard

Suzie Chen, Rutgers University

Cindy Cooper, Truman State University

David Daleke, Indiana University

Thomas J. Deerinck, University of California, San Diego

Linda DeVeaux, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

David Donze, Louisiana State University

William Dowhan, University of Texas, Houston

Janet Duerr, Ohio University

Manoj Duraisingh, Harvard School of Public Health

Paul Durham, Missouri State University

David Eisenberg, University of California, Los Angeles

Sevinc Ercan, New York University

Marilyn Farquhar, University of California, San Diego

Jeffrey Fillingham, Ryerson University

Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Simon Fraser University

Friedrich Foerster, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry

Margaret T. Fuller, Stanford University School of Medicine

Warren Gallin, University of Alberta

Liang Gao, Stony Brook University

Chris Garcia, Stanford University School of Medicine

Mary Gehring, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Jayant Ghiara, University of California, San Diego

David Gilmour, Pennsylvania State University

Alfred Goldberg, Harvard Medical School

Sara Gremillion, Armstrong State University

Lawrence I. Grossman, Wayne State University

Barry M. Gumbiner, University of Washington and Seattle Children’s Research Institute

Yanlin Guo, University of Southern Mississippi

Gyorgy Hajnoczky, Thomas Jefferson University

Nicholas Harden, Simon Fraser University

Maureen Harrington, Indiana University

Michael Harrington, University of Alberta

Marcia Harrison-Pitaniello, Marshall University

Craig Hart, Louisiana State University

Andreas Herrlich, Harvard Medical School

Ricky Hirschhorn, Hood College

Barry Honda, Simon Fraser University

H. Robert Horvitz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Nai-Jia Huang, Whitehead Institute

Richard O. Hynes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Rudolf Jaenisch, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cheryl Jorcyk, Boise State University

Naohiro Kato, Louisiana State University

Amy E. Keating, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Younghoon Kee, University of South Florida

Eirini Kefalogianni, Harvard Medical School

Thomas Keller, Florida State University

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Greg Kelly, University of Western Ontario

Baljit Khakh, University of California, Los Angeles

Lou Kim, Florida International University

Thomas Kirchhausen, Harvard Medical School

Elaine Kirschke, University of California, San Francisco

Cindy Klevickis, James Madison University

Donna Koslowsky, Michigan State University

Diego Krapf, Colorado State University

Arnold Kriegsten, University of California, San Francisco

Michael LaGier, Grand View University

Brett Larson, Armstrong Atlantic State University

Mark Lazzaro, College of Charleston

Daniel Leahy, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Wesley Legant, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Fang Ju Lin, Coastal Carolina University

Susan Lindquist, Massachusetts Institute of Techology

Adam Linstedt, Carnegie Mellon University

Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, National Institutes of Health

James Lissemore, John Carroll University

Richard Londraville, University of Akron

Elizabeth Lord, University of California, Riverside

Charles Mallery, University of Miami

George M. Martin, University of Washington

Michael Martin, John Carroll University

C. William McCurdy, University of California, Davis, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

James McNew, Rice University

Ivona Mladenovic, Simon Fraser University

Vamsi K. Mootha, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital

Tsafrir Mor, Arizona State University

Roderick Morgan, Grand Valley State University

Sean Morrison, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School

Aris Moustakas, Ludwig Institute, Uppsala University, Sweden

Dana Newton, College of The Albemarle

Bennett Novitch, University of California, Los Angeles

Roel Nusse, Stanford University School of Medicine

Jennifer Panizzi, Auburn University

Samantha Parks, Georgia State University

Ardem Patapoutian, The Scripps Research Institute

Rekha Patel, University of South Carolina

Aaron Pierce, Nicholls State University

Joel Piperberg, Millersville University of Pennsylvania

Todd Primm, Sam Houston State University

April Pyle, University of California, Los Angeles

Nicholas Quintyne, State University of New York at Fredonia

Peter Reddien, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Mark Reedy, Creighton University

Dan Reines, Emory University

Jatin Roper, Tufts University School of Medicine

Evan Rosen, Harvard Medical School

Richard Roy, McGill University

Edmund Rucker, University of Kentucky

Helen Saibil, University of London

Alapakkam Sampath, University of California, Los Angeles

Peter Santi, University of Minnesota

Burkhard Schulz, Purdue University

Thomas Schwartz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Stylianos Scordilis, Smith College

Kavita Shah, Purdue University

Lin Shao, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Allan Showalter, Ohio University

Jeff Singer, Portland State University

Agnes Southgate, College of Charleston

Daniel Starr, University of California, Davis

Jacqueline Stephens, Louisiana State University

Emina Stojkovic, Northeastern Illinois University

Paul Teesdale-Spittle, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Kurt Toenjes, Montana State University Billings

Fredrik Vannberg, Georgia Institute of Technology

Pavithra Vivekanand, Susquehanna University

Claire Walczak, Indiana University

Barbara Waldman, University of South Carolina

Feng-Song Wang, Purdue University Calumet

Irving Wang, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research

Keith Weninger, North Carolina State University

Laurence Wong, Canadian University College

Ernest Wright, University of California, Los Angeles

Michael B. Yaffe, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ning Yan, Tshinghua University

Omer Yilmaz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Junying Yuan, Harvard Medical School

Ana Zimmerman, College of Charleston

We would also like to express our gratitude and appreciation to all those who contributed to the resources on LaunchPad. A full list of these contributors is posted on the Molecular Cell Biology, Eighth Edition, LaunchPad.

This edition would not have been possible without the careful and committed collaboration of our publishing partners at W. H. Freeman and Company. We thank Kate Ahr Parker, Beth Cole, Will Moore, Liz Geller, Norma Sims Roche, Blake Logan, Janice Donnola, Jennifer MacMillan, Sheena Goldstein, Teri Stratford, Nandini Ahuja, Abigail Fagan, Felicia Ruocco, Hilary Newman, Amy Thorne, Kathleen Wisneski, and Paul Rohloff for their labor and for their willingness to work overtime to produce a book that excels in every way.

In particular, we would like to acknowledge the talent and commitment of our text editors, Erica Champion and Heather Moffat. They are remarkable editors. Thank you for all you’ve done in this edition.

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We are also indebted to H. Adam Steinberg for his pedagogical insight and his development of beautiful molecular models and illustrations.

We would like to acknowledge those whose direct contributions to previous editions continue to influence in this edition, especially Ruth Steyn.

Thanks to our own staff: Sally Bittancourt, Diane Bush, Mary Anne Donovan, Carol Eng, James Evans, George Kokkinogenis, Julie Knight, Guicky Waller, Nicki Watson, and Rob Welsh.

Finally, special thanks to our families for inspiring us and for granting us the time it takes to work on such a book and to our mentors and advisers for encouraging us in our studies and teaching us much of what we know: (Harvey Lodish) my wife, Pamela; my children and grandchildren Heidi and Eric Steinert and Emma and Andrew Steinert; Martin Lodish, Kristin Schardt, and Sophia, Joshua, and Tobias Lodish; and Stephanie Lodish, Bruce Peabody, and Isaac and Violet Peabody; mentors Norton Zinder and Sydney Brenner; and also David Baltimore and Jim Darnell for collaborating on the first editions of this book; (Arnold Berk) my wife Sally, Jerry Berk, Shirley Berk, Angelina Smith, David Clayton, and Phil Sharp; (Chris A. Kaiser) my wife Kathy O’Neill, my mentors David Botstein and Randy Schekman; (Monty Krieger) my wife Nancy Krieger, parents I. Jay Krieger and Mildred Krieger, children Joshua and Ilana Krieger and Jonathan Krieger and Sofia Colucci, and grandchild Joaquin Krieger; my mentors Robert Stroud, Michael Brown, and Joseph Goldstein; (Anthony Bretscher) my wife Janice and daughters Heidi and Erika, and advisers A. Dale Kaiser and Klaus Weber; (Hidde Ploegh) my wife Anne Mahon; (Angelika Amon) my husband Johannes Weis, Theresa and Clara Weis, Gerry Fink and Frank Solomon; (Kelsey C. Martin) my husband Joel Braslow, children Seth, Ben, Sam, and Maya, father George M. Martin, and mentors Ari Helenius and Eric Kandel.

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