By the end of the citric acid cycle (stage II), much of the energy originally present in the covalent bonds of glucose and fatty acids has been converted into high-energy electrons in the reduced coenzymes NADH and FADH2. The energy from these electrons is used to generate the proton-motive force.
In the mitochondrion, the proton-motive force is generated by coupling electron flow (from NADH and FADH2 to O2) to the energetically uphill transport of protons from the matrix across the inner membrane to the intermembrane space. This process, together with the synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi driven by the proton-motive force, is called oxidative phosphorylation.
As electrons flow from FADH2 and NADH to O2, they pass through multiprotein complexes. The four major complexes are NADH-CoQ reductase (complex I), succinate-CoQ reductase (complex II), CoQH2–cytochrome c reductase (complex III), and cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV) (see Figure 12-22).
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Each complex contains one or more electron-carrying prosthetic groups, which include iron-sulfur clusters, flavins, heme groups, and copper ions (see Table 12-4). Cytochrome c, which contains heme, and coenzyme Q (CoQ), a lipid-soluble small molecule, are mobile carriers that shuttle electrons between the complexes.
Complexes I, III, and IV pump protons from the matrix into the intermembrane space. Complexes I and II reduce CoQ to CoQH2, which carries protons and high-energy electrons to complex III. The heme protein cytochrome c carries electrons from complex III to complex IV, which uses them to pump protons and reduce molecular oxygen to water.
The high-energy electrons from NADH enter the electron-transport chain through complex I, whereas the high-energy electrons from FADH2 (derived from succinate in the citric acid cycle) enter the electron-transport chain through complex II. Additional electrons derived from FADH2 by the initial step of fatty acyl–CoA β-oxidation increase the supply of CoQH2 available for electron transport.
The Q cycle allows four protons to be translocated per pair of electrons moving through complex III (see Figure 12-24).
Each electron carrier in the chain accepts an electron or electron pair from a carrier with a less positive reduction potential and transfers the electron to a carrier with a more positive reduction potential. Thus the reduction potentials of electron carriers favor unidirectional, “downhill,” electron flow from NADH and FADH2 to O2 (see Figure 12-25).
Within the inner mitochondrial membrane, electron-transport complexes assemble into supercomplexes held together by cardiolipin, a specialized phospholipid. Supercomplex formation may enhance the speed and efficiency of generation of the proton-motive force or play other roles.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are toxic by-products of the electron-transport chain that can modify and damage proteins, DNA, and lipids. Specific enzymes (e.g., glutathione peroxidase, catalase) and small-molecule antioxidants (e.g., vitamin E) help protect against ROS-induced damage (see Figure 12-27). ROS can also be used as intracellular signaling molecules.
A total of 10 H+ ions are translocated from the matrix across the inner membrane per electron pair flowing from NADH to O2 (see Figure 12-22), whereas 6 H+ ions are translocated per electron pair flowing from FADH2 to O2.
The proton-motive force is largely due to a voltage gradient across the inner membrane produced by proton pumping; the pH gradient plays a quantitatively less important role.