An Oxygen-Evolving Complex Is Located on the Luminal Surface of the PSII Reaction Center

Photoelectron transport in the PSII reaction center (see Figure 12-44) resembles that in the purple bacterial reaction center described earlier (see Figure 12-43). Excitation by a photon with a wavelength of <680 nm triggers the loss of an electron from a P680 chlorophyll. That electron is transported rapidly to a quinone (QA) and then to the primary electron acceptor, QB, on the stromal surface of the thylakoid membrane (see Figure 12-44). PSII differs from the bacterial reaction center, however, in that it has an additional three-protein subunit, the oxygen-evolving complex, that faces the thylakoid lumen (in this context, “oxygen-evolving” refers to generating O2 from water).


The photochemically oxidized special-pair reaction-center chlorophyll a of PSII, P680+, is the strongest biological oxidant known. The reduction potential of P680+ is more positive than that of H2O, and thus it can oxidize H2O to generate O2 and H+ ions. The oxidation of H2O provides the electrons for reduction of P680+ in PSII, thus replacing the electron released by light absorption. The oxygen-evolving complex is a protein that contains a manganese (Mn), calcium, and oxygen cluster (Mn4CaO5) that directly mediates the conversion of H2O to O2, as well as a bound Cl ion that influences the reaction rate (see Figure 12-44). The Mn ions cycle through five different oxidation states during O2 generation. A nearby tyrosine side chain helps transfer electrons from H2O to the P680+. The protons released from H2O remain in the thylakoid lumen. The oxidation of two molecules of H2O to form O2 requires the removal of four electrons, but absorption of each photon by PSII results in the transfer of just one electron. Thus a single PSII must lose an electron and then oxidize the oxygen-evolving complex four times in a row for an O2 molecule to be formed. Channels in the protein of the oxygen-evolving complex have been proposed to serve as conduits through the complex for the delivery of H2O to and the removal of O2 from the active site.

The herbicide atrazine is one of the most commonly used weed killers in US agriculture. Atrazine binds to PSII, blocks the binding of oxidized QB, and thus blocks downstream electron transport.