Dissociation of SNARE Complexes After Membrane Fusion Is Driven by ATP Hydrolysis

After a vesicle and its target membrane have fused, the SNARE complexes must dissociate to make the individual SNARE proteins available for additional fusion events. Because of the stability of SNARE complexes, which are held together by numerous noncovalent intermolecular interactions, their dissociation depends on additional proteins and the input of energy.

The first clue that dissociation of SNARE complexes required the assistance of other proteins came from in vitro transport reactions depleted of certain cytosolic proteins. The observed accumulation of vesicles in these reactions indicated that vesicles could form under these conditions, but were unable to fuse with a target membrane. Eventually two proteins, designated NSF and α-SNAP, were found to be required for ongoing vesicle fusion in the in vitro transport reaction. The function of NSF in vivo can be blocked selectively by N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), a chemical that reacts with an essential –SH group on NSF (hence the name, NEM-sensitive factor).

Yeast mutants have also contributed to our understanding of SNARE function. Among the class C yeast sec mutants are strains that lack functional Sec18 or Sec17, the yeast counterparts of mammalian NSF and α-SNAP, respectively. When these class C mutants are kept at the nonpermissive temperature, they accumulate ER-to-Golgi transport vesicles; when the cells are shifted to the lower, permissive temperature, the accumulated vesicles are able to fuse with the cis-Golgi.

Subsequent to the initial biochemical and genetic studies that identified NSF and α-SNAP, more sophisticated in vitro transport assays were developed. Using these newer assays, researchers have shown that NSF and α-SNAP proteins are not necessary for actual membrane fusion, but rather are required for regeneration of free SNARE proteins. NSF, a hexamer of identical subunits, associates with a SNARE complex with the aid of α-SNAP (soluble NSF attachment protein). The bound NSF then hydrolyzes ATP, releasing sufficient energy to dissociate the SNARE complex (see Figure 14-10a, step 4). Evidently, the defects in vesicle fusion observed in the earlier in vitro fusion assays and in the yeast mutants after a loss of Sec17 or Sec18 were a consequence of free SNARE proteins rapidly becoming sequestered in undissociated SNARE complexes and thus being unavailable to mediate membrane fusion.

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