Later Stages of the Secretory Pathway
The trans-Golgi network is a major branch point in the secretory pathway where soluble secreted proteins, lysosomal proteins, and in some cells, membrane proteins destined for the basolateral or apical plasma membrane are segregated into different transport vesicles.
Many vesicles that bud from the trans-Golgi network as well as endocytic vesicles bear a coat composed of AP (adapter protein) complexes and clathrin (see Figure 14-18).
The pinching off of clathrin-
Soluble enzymes destined for lysosomes are modified in the cis-Golgi by the addition of multiple mannose 6-
M6P receptors in the membrane of the trans-Golgi network bind proteins bearing M6P residues and direct them to late endosomes, where receptors and their ligand proteins dissociate. The receptors are then recycled to the Golgi or plasma membrane, and the lysosomal enzymes are delivered to lysosomes (see Figure 14-22).
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Regulated secreted proteins are concentrated and stored in secretory vesicles to await a neuronal or hormonal signal for exocytosis. Protein aggregation within the trans-Golgi network may play a role in sorting secreted proteins to the regulated secretory pathway.
Many proproteins transported through the secretory pathway undergo post-
In polarized epithelial cells, membrane proteins destined for the apical and basolateral domains of the plasma membrane are sorted in the trans-Golgi network into different transport vesicles (see Figure 14-25). The GPI anchor is the only apical-
In hepatocytes and some other polarized cells, all plasma-