Signaling Pathways Controlled by Ubiquitinylation and Protein Degradation: Wnt, Hedgehog, and NF-
Many signaling pathways involve ubiquitinylation and proteolysis of target proteins and so are irreversible or only slowly reversible. These target proteins can be either a transcription factor or an inhibitor of a transcription factor.
Wnt controls numerous critical developmental events, such as brain development, limb patterning, and organogenesis. Hedgehog also functions as a morphogen during development. Activating mutations in both pathways can cause cancer.
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Both Hedgehog and Wnt are secreted proteins that contain lipid anchors that reduce their signaling ranges. The fatty acid covalently attached to Wnt is essential for binding to its receptor.
Wnt signals act through two cell-
Gradients of Wnt protein concentration are essential for many steps in development, including regeneration of a head and tail during planarian regeneration (see Figure 16-31).
The Hedgehog signal also acts through two cell-
Hh signaling in vertebrates requires primary cilia and intraflagellar transport proteins. Patched localizes to the ciliary membrane in the absence of Hh, and Smo moves to cilia when Hh is present (see Figure 16-34).
The NF-
In unstimulated cells, NF-
Polyubiquitin chains linked to the activated IL-