Insulin and Glucagon Work Together to Maintain a Stable Blood Glucose Level

During normal daily living, the maintenance of normal blood glucose concentrations depends on the balance between two peptide hormones, insulin and glucagons, which are made in distinct pancreatic islet cells and elicit different cellular responses. Insulin, which lowers blood glucose, contains two polypeptide chains linked by disulfide bonds and is synthesized by the β cells in the islets (see Figures 14-23 and 14-24). Glucagon, a monomeric peptide, is produced by the α islet cells and raises blood glucose. The availability of blood glucose is regulated during periods of abundance (following a meal) or scarcity (following fasting) by the adjustment of insulin and glucagon concentrations in the blood.

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Our focus here will be on the key hormone insulin, which acts in several ways to reduce the level of blood glucose:

A lowering of blood glucose stimulates glucagon release from pancreatic α cells. Like the epinephrine receptor, the glucagon receptor, found primarily on liver cells, is coupled to the Gαs protein, whose effector protein is adenylyl cyclase. The binding of glucagon to this receptor induces a rise in cAMP, leading to activation of protein kinase A, which inhibits glycogen synthesis and promotes glycogenolysis, yielding glucose 1-phosphate (see Figures 15-28a and 15-35b). Liver cells convert glucose 1-phosphate into glucose, which is released into the blood, thus raising blood glucose back toward its normal fasting level.

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