Glossary - U

Boldface terms within a definition are also defined in this glossary.

Figures and tables that illustrate defined terms are noted in parentheses.

ubiquitin A small protein that can be covalently linked to other intracellular proteins, thereby tagging these proteins for degradation by the proteasome, sorting to the lysosome, or alteration in the function of the target protein. (Figure 3-31)

uncoupler Any natural substance (e.g., the protein thermogenin) or chemical agent (e.g., 2,4-dinitrophenol) that dissipates the proton-motive force across the inner mitochondrial membrane or thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts, thereby inhibiting ATP synthesis.

uniporter A transmembrane protein that transports a single type of molecule down its concentration gradient.

unsaturated Referring to a compound (e.g., fatty acid) in which one of the carbon-carbon bonds is a double or triple bond.

upstream (1) For a gene, the direction opposite to that in which RNA polymerase moves during transcription. Nucleotides upstream from the +1 position (the first transcribed nucleotide) are designated −1, −2, etc. (2) Events that occur earlier in a cascade of steps (e.g., signaling pathway). See also downstream.

upstream activating sequence (UAS) Any protein-binding regulatory sequence in the DNA of yeast and other simple eukaryotes that is necessary for maximal gene expression; equivalent to an enhancer or promoter-proximal element in higher eukaryotes. (Figure 9-23)

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