Glossary - V

Boldface terms within a definition are also defined in this glossary.

Figures and tables that illustrate defined terms are noted in parentheses.

vaccine An innocuous preparation derived from a pathogen and designed to elicit an immune response in order to provide immunity against a future challenge by a virulent form of the same pathogen.

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vacuole A membrane-limited plant organelle that stores water, ions, and small-molecule nutrients and may have a degradative function similar to that of lysosomes in animal cells.

van der Waals interaction A weak noncovalent interaction due to small, transient asymmetric electron distributions around atoms (dipoles). (Figure 2-10)

vector In cell biology, an autonomously replicating genetic element used to carry a cDNA or fragment of genomic DNA into a host cell for the purpose of gene cloning. Commonly used vectors are bacterial plasmids and modified bacteriophage genomes. See also expression vector and shuttle vector. (Figure 6-13)

viral envelope A phospholipid bilayer forming the outer covering of some viruses (e.g., influenza and rabies viruses); is derived by budding from a host-cell membrane and contains virus-encoded glycoproteins. (Figure 5-46)

virion An individual viral particle.

virus A small intracellular parasite, consisting of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) enclosed in a protein coat, that can replicate only in a susceptible host cell; widely used in cell biology research. (Figure 5-43)

Vmax Parameter that describes the maximal velocity of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction or other process such as protein-mediated transport of molecules across a membrane. (Figures 3-24 and 11-4)


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