Mechanisms of Cell Polarity and Asymmetric Cell Division
Cell polarity involves the asymmetric distribution of proteins, lipids, and other macromolecules in the cell.
Cells have an intrinsic program that can generate polarity using feedback loops.
A key regulator of the polarity program in many systems is the small GTP-
When a yeast cell buds, the intrinsic polarity program exploits feedback loops to concentrate Cdc42·GTP at a single site.
Asymmetry requires cells to sense a cue, respond to it by assembling a polarized cytoskeleton, and then using this polarity to distribute polarity factors appropriately.
Mating in haploid yeast involves assembly of a mating projection (shmoo) by polarization of the cytoskeleton in the direction of highest concentration of mating pheromone and targeting of secretion of cellular components for cell expansion there.
Anterior/posterior asymmetry in the first division of the C. elegans embryo involves asymmetric contraction of the actin-
Apical/basal epithelial-
Planar cell polarity regulates the orientation of epithelial cells in a sheet using a different set of antagonistic relationships.
Asymmetric cell division requires that cells first become polarized, then divide so as to segregate fate determinants asymmetrically.
Asymmetric division of stem cells often involves association of the stem cell with a niche, in which case the stem cell gives rise to another stem cell and a differentiating cell.
Asymmetric stem-