Protein Folding
The primary structure (amino acid sequence) of a protein determines its three-
Because protein function derives from protein structure, newly synthesized proteins must fold into the correct shape to function properly.
The planar structure of the peptide bond limits the number of conformations a polypeptide can have (see Figure 3-15).
The amino acid sequence of a protein dictates its folding into a specific three-
There are two broad classes of non-
Protein folding in vivo occurs with assistance from ATP-
There are two broad classes of chaperones: (1) molecular chaperones, which bind to a short segment of a substrate protein, and (2) chaperonins, which form folding chambers in which all or part of an unfolded protein can be sequestered, giving it time and an appropriate environment to fold properly. Cycles of ATP binding and hydrolysis, followed by exchange of the ADP produced with a new ATP molecule, play key roles in the mechanisms of protein folding by chaperones.
Many misfolded or denatured proteins can form well-