Genetic Analysis of Mutations to Identify and Study Genes
Diploid organisms carry two copies (alleles) of each gene, whereas haploid organisms carry only one copy.
Recessive mutations often lead to a loss of function, which is masked if a wild-
Dominant mutations lead to a mutant phenotype in the presence of a wild-
In meiosis, a diploid cell undergoes one DNA replication and two cell divisions, yielding four haploid cells in which maternal and paternal chromosomes and their associated alleles are randomly assorted (see Figure 6-3).
Dominant and recessive mutations exhibit characteristic segregation patterns in genetic crosses (see Figure 6-4).
In haploid yeast, temperature-
The number of functionally related genes involved in a process can be defined by complementation analysis (see Figure 6-7).
The order in which genes function in a biosynthetic or signaling pathway can be deduced from the phenotype of double mutants defective in two steps in the affected process.
Functionally significant interactions between proteins can be deduced from the phenotypic effects of allele-
Genetic mapping experiments make use of crossing over between homologous chromosomes during meiosis to measure the genetic distance between two different mutations on the same chromosome.