Most of the inherited human diseases that are now understood at the molecular level are monogenic diseases; that is, a clearly discernible disease state is produced by a defect in a single gene. Monogenic diseases caused by mutation in one specific gene exhibit one of the characteristic inheritance patterns shown in Figure 6-32. The genes associated with most of the common monogenic diseases have already been mapped using DNA-
However, many other inherited diseases show more complicated patterns of inheritance, making the identification of the underlying genetic cause much more difficult. One type of added complexity that is frequently encountered is genetic heterogeneity. In such cases, mutations in any one of several different genes can cause the same disease. For example, retinitis pigmentosa, which is characterized by degeneration of the retina usually leading to blindness, can be caused by mutations in any one of more than 60 different genes. In human linkage studies, data from multiple families must usually be combined to determine whether a statistically significant linkage exists between a disease gene and known molecular markers. Genetic heterogeneity such as that exhibited by retinitis pigmentosa can confound such an approach because any statistical trend in the mapping data from one family tends to be canceled out by the data obtained from another family with an unrelated causative gene.
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Human geneticists used two different approaches to identify the many genes associated with retinitis pigmentosa. The first approach relied on mapping studies of exceptionally large families that contained a sufficient number of affected individuals to provide statistically significant evidence for linkage between known DNA polymorphisms and a single causative gene. The genes identified in such studies showed that several of the mutations that cause retinitis pigmentosa lie within genes that encode proteins that are abundant in the retina. Following up on this clue, geneticists concentrated their attention on those genes that are highly expressed in the retina when screening other individuals with retinitis pigmentosa. This approach of using additional information to focus screening efforts on a subset of candidate genes led to identification of additional rare causative mutations in many different genes encoding retinal proteins.
A further complication in the genetic dissection of human diseases is posed by diabetes, heart disease, obesity, predisposition to cancer, and a variety of mental disorders that have at least some heritable properties. These and many other diseases can be considered to be polygenic diseases in the sense that alleles of multiple genes, acting together within an individual, contribute to both the occurrence and the severity of disease. How to systematically map complex polygenic traits in humans is one of the most important and challenging problems in human genetics today.
One of the most promising methods of studying diseases that exhibit genetic heterogeneity or are polygenic is to seek a statistical correlation between inheritance of a particular region of a chromosome and the propensity to have a disease using a procedure known as a genome-
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Models of human disease in experimental organisms may also contribute to unraveling the genetics of complex traits such as obesity or diabetes. For instance, large-