Membrane Proteins: Structure and Basic Functions
Biological membranes usually contain integral (transmembrane) proteins as well as lipid-
Most integral membrane proteins contain one or more membrane-
Fatty acyl side chains as well as the polar head groups of membrane lipids pack tightly and irregularly around the hydrophobic segments of integral membrane proteins (see Figure 7-16).
The porins, unlike other integral membrane proteins, contain membrane-
Lipids attached to certain amino acids anchor some proteins to one or the other membrane leaflet (see Figure 7-19).
All transmembrane proteins and glycolipids are asymmetrically oriented in the bilayer. Invariably, carbohydrate chains are present only on the exoplasmic surface of a glycoprotein or glycolipid.
Many water-
Transmembrane proteins can be selectively extracted from membranes with the use of non-