1. Describe the molecular events that occur at the lac operon when E. coli cells are shifted from a glucose-
2. The concentration of free glutamine affects transcription of the enzyme glutamine synthetase in E. coli. Describe the mechanism of this effect.
3. Recall that the trp repressor binds to a site in the operator region of tryptophan-
never be expressed/always (constitutively) be expressed
The cell produces a mutant trp repressor that cannot bind to the operator. The enzyme genes will ________________.
The cell produces a mutant trp repressor that binds to its operator site even if no tryptophan is present. The enzyme genes will ________________.
The cell produces a mutant sigma factor that cannot bind the promoter region. The enzyme genes will ________________.
Elongation of the leader sequence is always stalled after transcription of region 1. The enzyme genes will ________________.
4. Compare and contrast bacterial and eukaryotic gene expression mechanisms.
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5. What types of genes are transcribed by RNA polymerases I, II, and III? Design an experiment to determine whether a specific gene is transcribed by RNA polymerase II.
6. The CTD of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II can be phosphorylated at multiple serine residues. What are the conditions that lead to the phosphorylated versus nonphosphorylated RNA polymerase II CTD?
7. What do TATA boxes, initiators, and CpG islands have in common? Which was the first of these to be identified? Why?
8. Describe the methods used to identify the location of transcription-
9. What is the difference between a promoter-
10. Describe the methods used to identify the location of DNA-
11. Describe the structural features of transcription activator and repressor proteins.
12. Give two examples of how gene expression may be repressed without altering the coding sequence.
13. Using CREB and nuclear receptors as examples, compare and contrast the structural changes that take place when these transcription factors bind to their co-
14. What general transcription factors associate with an RNA polymerase II promoter in addition to the polymerase? In what order do they bind in vitro? What structural change occurs in the DNA when an “open” transcription initiation complex is formed?
15. Expression of recombinant proteins in yeast is an important tool for biotechnology companies that produce new drugs for human use. In an attempt to get a new gene X expressed in yeast, a researcher has integrated gene X into the yeast genome near a telomere. Will this strategy result in good expression of gene X? Why or why not? Would the outcome of this experiment differ if the experiment had been performed in a yeast line containing mutations in the H3 or H4 histone tails?
16. You have isolated a new protein called STICKY. You can predict from comparisons with other known proteins that STICKY contains a bHLH domain and a Sin3-
17. Prokaryotes and lower eukaryotes such as yeast have transcription-
18. You are curious to identify the region of the gene X sequence that serves as an enhancer for gene expression. Design an experiment to investigate this issue.
19. Some organisms have mechanisms in place that will override transcription termination. One such mechanism using the Tat protein is employed by the HIV retrovirus. Explain why Tat is therefore a good target for HIV vaccination.
20. Upon identification of the DNA regulatory sequence responsible for translating a given gene, you note that it is enriched with CG sequences. Is the corresponding gene likely to be a highly expressed transcript?
21. Name four major classes of DNA-