Chapter 7. Investigating the Function of a Transmembrane Protein

Analyze the Data

Analyze the Data 7-1: Investigating the Function of a Transmembrane Protein

The behavior of receptor X (XR), a transmembrane protein present in the plasma membrane of mammalian cells, is being investigated. The protein has been engineered as a fusion protein containing green fluorescent protein (GFP) at its N-terminus. GFP-XR is a functional protein and can replace XR in cells.

a. Cells expressing GFP-XR and artificial lipid vesicles (liposomes) containing GFP-XR are subjected to fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). The intensity of the fluorescence of a small spot on the surface of the cells (solid line) or on the surface of the liposomes (dashed line) is measured before and after laser bleaching (arrow). The results are shown below.

Cells expressing GFP-XR and artificial lipid vesicles (liposomes) containing GFP-XR are subjected to fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). The intensity of the fluorescence of a small spot on the surface of the cells (solid line) or on the surface of the liposomes (dashed line) is measured before and after laser bleaching (arrow). The results are shown.

What explanation could account for the differing behavior of GFP-XR in liposomes and in the plasma membranes of cells?

_feedback: In the liposomes, there are no constraints on the diffusion of GFP-XR in the plane of the bilayer. Accordingly, when GFP-XR in a small zone of the liposome is bleached, diffusion of the bleached molecules out of, and of unbleached molecules from, the surrounding region into the bleached zone will result in recovery of the fluorescence in that zone. In the cell, however, no recovery is observed, and these observations suggest that, in vivo, the lateral diffusion of GFP-XR is constrained.

Activity results are being submitted...