Chapter 8. Satellite DNA

Analyze the Data

Analyze the Data 8-1: Satellite DNA

Satellite DNA is a known component of many genomes and can be found in both coding and noncoding DNA. When it is found in coding DNA, changes in the number of repeats can result in altered proteins. But the effect of these repeats in noncoding DNA is not as well understood. To determine whether repeats in the promoter region can alter gene expression and chromatin compaction, M. D. Vinces and colleagues (Vinces et al., 2009, Science 324:1213–1216) searched the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome for the presence of repetitive DNA in promoters and examined how altering the number of repeats affected gene expression and DNA packaging.

a. The group first searched for satellite DNA in the genomes of various S. cerevisiae strains and found that 25 percent of promoters contained at least one repeat region. In addition, the same promoter in different strains often contained distinct numbers of repeats in each region of satellite DNA. What is the proposed mechanism by which the number of repeats in a given region of satellite DNA can increase?

_feedback: Slippage between the daughter and template strand during replication can result in an increase in repeats.

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