Chapter 13. Investigating Translocation of Prolactin

Analyze the Data

Analyze the Data 13-1: Investigating Translocation of Prolactin

Imagine that you are evaluating the early steps in the translocation and processing of the secretory protein prolactin. By using an experimental approach similar to that shown in Figure 13-7, you can use truncated prolactin mRNAs to control the length of nascent prolactin polypeptides that are synthesized. When prolactin mRNA that lacks a stop codon is translated in vitro, the newly synthesized polypeptide, ending with the last codon included on the mRNA, will remain attached to the ribosome, thus allowing a polypeptide of defined length to extend from the ribosome. You have generated a set of mRNAs that encode segments of the N-terminus of prolactin of increasing length, and each mRNA can be translated in vitro by a cytosolic translation extract containing ribosomes, tRNAs, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, GTP, and translation initiation and elongation factors. When radiolabeled amino acids are included in the translation mixture, only the polypeptide encoded by the added mRNA will be labeled. After completion of translation, each reaction mixture is resolved by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and the labeled polypeptides are identified by autoradiography.

a. The autoradiogram depicted below shows the results of an experiment in which each translation reaction was carried out either in the presence (+) or the absence (−) of microsomal membranes. Based on the gel mobility of peptides synthesized in the presence or absence of microsomes, deduce how long the prolactin nascent chain must be in order for the prolactin signal peptide to enter the ER lumen and to be cleaved by signal peptidase. (Note that microsomes carry significant quantities of signal recognition particles weakly bound to the membranes.)

Messenger RNA lengths vary by steps of 20 codons or 20 amino acids each in corresponding synthesized product. When translated in the absence or presence of microsomes, only mRNAs of 130 and 150 codons produce a product that displays any difference in size with the addition of microsomes. The 130-codon mRNA gives a product that is either full length—showing no difference in size when compared to the minus microsome product—or a smaller product that is the presumed result of signal peptidase cleavage. This suggests variable or incomplete accessibility of the product to signal peptidase. In contrast, the next-step-size-longer mRNA codes for product that is fully sensitive to signal peptidase cleavage when synthesized in the presence of microsomes. The key datum is the smaller size (faster mobility) of the product plus microsomes versus the product minus microsomes. Hence, the conclusion is that the prolactin chain must be somewhere between 130 and 150 amino acids in length for the signal sequence to be fully accessible for cleavage.

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