Chapter 14. Specificity of Membrane Fusion Encoded in SNARE Proteins

Analyze the Data

Analyze the Data 14-1: Specificity of Membrane Fusion Encoded in SNARE Proteins

In order to examine the specificity of membrane fusion conferred by specific v-SNAREs and t-SNAREs, researchers reconstituted liposomes (artificial lipid membranes) with specific t-SNARE complexes or with v-SNAREs (see McNew et al., 2000, Nature 407:153–159). To measure fusion, the v-SNARE liposomes also contained a fluorescent lipid at a relatively high concentration such that its fluorescence is quenched. (Quenching is reduced fluorescence relative to that expected. In this case, quenching occurs because the fluorescent lipids are too concentrated and interfere with one another’s ability to become excited.) On fusion of these liposomes with those lacking the fluorescent lipids, the fluorescent lipids are diluted, and quenching is alleviated. Three sets of liposomes were prepared using yeast t-SNARE complexes: those containing plasma membrane t-SNAREs, Golgi t-SNAREs, or vacuolar t-SNAREs. Each of these was mixed with fluorescent liposomes containing one of three different yeast v-SNAREs. The following data were obtained.

a. What can be deduced from these data about the specificity of membrane fusion events?

Only specific v-SNARE and t-SNARE combinations result in fusion. In this case, v-SNARE 1 can induce fusion only with membranes containing t-SNAREs of the plasma membrane, whereas v-SNARE 2 induces fusion only with membranes containing those of the Golgi. v-SNARE 3 appears to be a bit more promiscuous, permitting fusion with membranes containing either plasma membrane or vacuolar t-SNAREs, though it induces more rapid fusion with those of the vacuole.

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