Chapter 15. Cholera and cAMP


Analyze the Data

Analyze the Data 15-3: Cholera and cAMP

Cyclic AMP is a second messenger that regulates many diverse cellular functions. In the intestinal lumen, it is responsible for maintaining electrolyte and water balance. Certain bacterial toxins, including one produced by Vibrio cholerae, can upset the levels of cAMP, leading to fatal dehydration.



cAMP concentration in normal intestinal epithelial cells rises and then falls, whereas in cells treated with cholera toxin, cAMP level rises and remains high. This is because, in cholera toxin-treated cells, Gαs is permanently in the GTP “on” state, which causes adenylyl cyclase to remain active, producing abundant cAMP.



Higher, because the abundant cAMP keeps PKA active, which subsequently leads to the activation of channels which indirectly causes water to follow the ions out of the cell.

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