Chapter 19. Xnf7 and APC/C in Xenopus

Analyze the Data

Analyze the Data 19-1: Xnf7 and APC/C in Xenopus

Many of the proteins that regulate transit through the cell cycle have been characterized. Xnf7, identified in extracts of Xenopus eggs, binds to the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). To elucidate the function of this protein, studies have been undertaken in which Xnf7 either has been depleted from extracts using an antibody raised against it or has been augmented in the extracts through addition of extra Xnf7. The consequences for transit through mitosis have then been assessed (see J. B. Casaletto et al., 2005, J. Cell Biol. 169:61–71).

a.Xenopus egg extracts, arrested in metaphase, were either depleted of Xnf7 or were mock depleted (subjected to the same treatment as the first extracts, but without Xnf7 antibody), then released from metaphase arrest by addition of Ca2+. Aliquots of the extract were then sampled at various times after Ca2+ addition and the amounts of mitotic cyclin in those samples were determined. The results are shown on the Western blot below. What information do these data provide about a possible function for Xnf7?

Cyclin B is degraded more quickly when Xnf7 is depleted from the extracts. Thus, these studies suggest that Xnf7 functions in some way to delay cyclin degradation and perhaps the onset of anaphase. Because Xnf7 binds to APC/C, it is possible that Xnf7 normally inhibits APC/C. If so, depletion of Xnf7 would allow APC/C to be activated and target cyclin B for destruction sooner, as observed here.

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