Chapter 20. E-Cadherin Isoforms and Function

Analyze the Data

Analyze the Data 20-1: E-Cadherin Isoforms and Function

Researchers have isolated two mutant E-cadherin isoforms that are hypothesized to function differently from wild-type E-cadherin. An E-cadherin-negative mammary carcinoma cell line was transfected with the mutant E-cadherin genes A (part a in the figure; triangles), or B (part b; triangles) or the wild-type E-cadherin gene (filled circles) and compared with nontransfected cells (open circles) in an aggregation assay. In this assay, cells were first dissociated by trypsin treatment and then allowed to aggregate in solution over a period of minutes. To demonstrate that the observed adhesion was mediated by cadherin, the cells were pretreated with a nonspecific antibody (left panels) or a function-blocking anti-E-cadherin monoclonal antibody (right panels).

a. Why do cells transfected with the wild-type E-cadherin gene have greater aggregation than control, nontransfected cells?

Cells transfected with wild-type E-cadherin aggregate more than untransfected cells because the increase in E-cadherin allows for more cell-cell interactions via the ECM.

Activity results are being submitted...