Video Prompt: Developing a sense of audience

"Developing a sense of audience," David Sherman, Luisa Matalucci, Yishi Chen, John Garry, Liz McElligott, Ashley Harris, Apeksha Vanjani, William Murray, and Isaias Lima

View the video and then complete the reflection questions below. Click Submit after each question to record your answer. If your instructor has assigned this video activity, you must answer every question before your answers will be submitted to the gradebook.

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Reflecting on Writing


“Developing a sense of audience” - When you’re writing for an academic assignment, what audience do you imagine for your work? How does imagining an audience affect what you write?


“Developing a sense of audience” - Think about a particular writing assignment that you are working on or about to begin, and determine what audience other than your instructor might want to hear what you have to say. Briefly characterize the members of that audience and explain how you can tailor your project to interest them.