Video Prompt: Pay attention to what you're interested in

"Pay attention to what you’re interested in," Shuqiao Song

View the video and then complete the reflection questions below. Click Submit after each question to record your answer. If your instructor has assigned this video activity, you must answer every question before your answers will be submitted to the gradebook.

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Reflecting on Writing


“Pay attention to what you’re interested in”, Shuqiao Song: What topic for an academic writing project has been most interesting to you personally? Why was it interesting?


“Pay attention to what you’re interested in”, Shuqiao Song: What was the least interesting topic you ever had to write about? Why? Did you succeed in finding a way to involve yourself in the topic?


Chapter 7 - “Pay attention to what you’re interested in”, Shuqiao Song: If you had to do that writing project again, what would you do differently?