Exercise: Combining sentences using semicolons


Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence by using a semicolon.

Click Submit after each question to record your answer. If your instructor has assigned this exercise set, you must answer every question before your answers will be submitted to the gradebook.


The original sentences are “Take the bus to Henderson Street. Meet me under the clock at half past three.” The period after the first sentence is changed to a semicolon and “Meet” is changed all lowercase.

  1. Question

    Abalone fishing in California is strictly regulated. A person is allowed to harvest only twenty-four of these large mollusks per year.
  2. Question

    City life offers many advantages. In many ways, however, life in a small town is much more pleasant.
  3. Question

    The door contains an inflatable slide to be used in an emergency. In addition, each seat can become a flotation device.
  4. Question

    Most car accidents occur within twenty-five miles of the home. Therefore, you should wear a seat belt on every trip.
  5. Question

    Involvement in team sports provides more than just health benefits for young girls. It also increases their self-confidence.